Orthodontic National Group

Orthodontic National Group is dedicated to advocating for orthodontic Dental Nurses and Orthodontic Therapists. Its mission is to promote high standards in the profession by developing and expanding their roles within the 'Dental Care Professionals' framework. ONG strives to advance their professional status, provide ongoing education and training, and ensure they are recognized as essential members of the dental care team.

Our mission is to promote high standards in the profession by developing and expanding their roles within the 'Dental Care Professionals' framework.

ONG Objectives

  • To develop the Orthodontic Dental Nurses and Therapist roles within the Specialist Group.
  • To provide continuing professional education via study days, webinars and the British Orthodontic Conference
  • To keep the membership informed by means of e-journals, our website, and social media pages
  • To recommend to the GDC changes needed in legislation and workforce development plans
  • To liaise with relevant professional bodies to promote the status of:
  • Orthodontic Dental Nurses and Therapists.
  • To manage the Group’s finances to achieve its objectives.
  • To keep members up to date and plan for the future.